Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11, 2001-2014: Let's Roll!!!

September 11, 2001 – A day which none who lived through here in this nation will ever forget…  or will we?  or have we?

I know I will never forget as long as I live on this earth.
6:46am, Mountain Standard Time (8:46am, Eastern Standard Time) – American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767, is flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City…  Moments later, as I was stirring to get out of bed at 7am my time in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Jim Arthur of 740AM, KVOR, reports on a “small plane” crashing into the tower.  It is believed to be a tragic accident…

7:03am, Mountain Standard Time (9:03am, Eastern Standard Time) - At approximately the same moment Mr. Arthur is telling us in Colorado about the tragic accident of the North Tower being hit, a second airliner, United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 as well, is flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center.  And America wakes up…  Shortly thereafter, Jim Arthur reports the second plane hitting the adjacent tower, and states that this couldn’t be a coincidence.  We are under attack…  and the speculation begins…

I run down the stairs to turn on the big screen television in the basement, switch to Fox News, and view the horrific scenes being displayed.  I have to go into work, but I am transfixed on what is unfolding before me.  Tears flow down my face as I hear the accounts of those dying, and watch as time seems to stand still…

Over the next several minutes people are seen jumping from the floors ninety stories above, deciding to vacate the area engulfed in flame to face the end in a more instant fashion.  Others rush down streets, fleeing from the scene while first responders rush into the fray.

7:37am, Mountain Standard Time (9:37am, Eastern Standard Time) -  American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, crashes into the western face of the Pentagon.  This is not merely a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, it is a coordinated effort to strike strategic points at an unknown number of targets. 

As an American, the uncertainty and devastation overwhelms me with a multitude of emotions ranging from fear to rage!  Gritting my teeth and openly sobbing, trying to contact family to ensure they are okay, the experience seems surreal, and I wish I could wake from the very real nightmare…  but I cannot…  because it is actually happening…

7:59am, Mountain Standard Time (9:59am, Eastern Standard Time) – The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, sending plumes of smoke and debris across the surrounding area, killing those attempting to escape down the stairwells from the upper floors.  Miraculously, many HAVE escaped…  and they are engulfed in the resulting ash and smoke pressing through the corridors of the city.  Some take shelter behind vehicles and other obstacles to deflect the full brunt, while others are able to slip through doorways of surrounding buildings.

Realizing what is happening after hearing from loved ones through cell phones, the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757, which has been hijacked as well and has turned back toward the east coast toward an unknown target, decide to take the cockpit and overwhelm the hijackers.  The actual events in the plane are unknown, but Todd Beamer’s final comment, overheard by his wife through the open channel of the cell phone is, “Let’s roll!”  Shortly afterward, at 8:07am, Mountain Standard Time (10:07am, Eastern Standard Time) the hijackers apparently crash the jetliner outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania in Somerset County, rather than be overtaken by the passengers.

Rumors of other jets being hijacked run rampant.  Flights across the United States of America are grounded in anticipation of potential other targets being hit.  America shudders as the ‘threat’ of attack becomes reality.  Over the next several days the only jet engines heard overhead are those of fighter jets patrolling the area.  Here in the Colorado Springs area, home to more than five military bases, the eeriness of watching those supporting and protecting our freedom flying overhead, knowing what has transpired, causes solemn reflection on what we truly have here, and a bit of what we have lost.

Today, thirteen years later, much has changed.  We have fought and won a war in two Middle Eastern countries, and have now lost ground in one, having vacated our responsibilities to remain and maintain a support force to ensure continued freedom there, and anticipate pulling out of the other, creating a vacuum that could very well lead to the exact same circumstances there.

As I type this, it is 9:11am, Mountain Standard Time.  9-11…  Who would have ever guessed thirteen years and one day ago that those numbers would come to mean more than the numbers to dial in the event of an emergency.  Today, those numbers represent national crisis…  and attack upon our very existence…  by those who see us as an evil to be eradicated.

Recently we have seen two United States citizens, members of the press in the Middle East, beheaded by Islamic Terrorists.  ISIS, or ISIL, whichever you choose to call them today, have watched as we have withdrawn under the current Presidential administration from our duties in the name of being tired of war.  And they are, thereby, encouraged.  "Tired of War"...

REALLY????!!!!!!  Do you not think that in December of 1776 while encamped at Valley Forge, waiting out the winter as was custom in their day, that General George Washington and his troops, cold and weather-beaten with inadequate clothing and resources, were “tired of war”?  Or that after five years of war for Independence in what would today be considered archaic circumstances against the greatest military power in THE WORLD, the soldiers and families in America were not “tired of war”?  Do you not think during the campaigns of World Wars I and II that the troops engaged in adverse conditions under assault by combined forces determined to annihilate freedom from the face of the planet, and their families back home receiving notification of lost loved ones dying in the fight, were not “tired of war”?   And how about Korea, Vietnam, etc.? 

So what has changed?  Why are we where we are today?  As I reflect back across the years of my life and the study of history I have conducted I believe it all comes back to one primary reason…comfort.

The surge of technology over the past 100 years has caused a comfortable climate in our nation.  Do I enjoy sitting here typing on a computer, knowing that I will post this to be read by potentially hundreds and even thousands of people today?  Yes.  Do I like being connected to my friends and family throughout the nation in a moment’s notice through my “smart phone”?  Most of the time.  Do I like being able to research for almost any type of information through this wonder called the “world-wide-web”?  Yes, until this current administration turns it over to other countries wishing my/our demise.

But with technology that assists me in connecting to others in seconds and allows me to warm up my leftovers in a moment while washing my clothes and dishes comes “comfort”.  We no longer wish to be bothered or inconvenienced by fighting for what we believe.  This condition has overtaken the citizens of the United States and the Christians who are the majority portion of this great nation.

Those wishing to overtake the governing of this nation, and eradicate the moral, ethical and, especially, the religious elements projected a “separation of church and state” lie many decades ago which caught on when the Christian faith found itself inconvenienced by the prospect of having to defend itself in the public square.  Vacating the public square led to Supreme Court nominations of liberal judges by nominal politicians who would not have come into power had the “religious right” (and, by the way, we ARE those who are “right” in our beliefs) continued to project the truth of God’s Word in all their lives.  Instead, they went on being content to join in worship together on Sundays, at mid-week services, and at other “events” held within the structure of the ‘church’ as opposed to living out their lives as “the Church”.

In my book, God Shed His Grace On Thee, available through and, I outline the steps leading to the unraveling of our moral fabric in the nation.  Supreme Court rulings taking God out of schools, public forums and government locals have caused the Church of today to have to take one of two sides in the process: Leave it alone and complain of where things have gone, or stand up and fight to regain what we have lost.

Today, September 11, 2014, as we reflect on what occurred thirteen years ago, we must take a look at what brought us here.  Comfort and convenience lull the populace into a place where we will elect officials who promise us a place where war does not exist, and they will give each citizen (who follows their way of thinking) “goodies” in life to which they feel they are “entitled”.  War has always existed.  War always will exist (until Jesus returns to rule).  And the idea of working for what you get has nearly gone the way of the dinosaur.

Comfort…  complacency…  lethargic appeasement of those who ARE willing to fight for what they believe in, which is to undermine the very principles our faith holds dearly to, has brought us to this point.  What has to happen for Christians across this nation to realize that we will lose it all if we are not willing to take our place in the public domain?  The “Hobby Lobby decision” was a 5 to 4 decision.  One more liberal judge and businesses throughout the nation would have to supply “abortification” drugs to those in their employment.  Owners would have to violate their faith to satisfy the ungodly desires of those wishing full reign to kill a human in its process of development. 

And what about marriage between one man and one woman?  How about the multiple assaults against the truth of God’s Word which run rampant throughout our nation, and, unfortunately, are supported by the more “liberal” factions of Christianity?

We are coming up on a VERY important election cycle.  VOTES MATTER! (yes, even in “mid-term” elections - - -ESPECIALLY in “mid-term elections)  But elections aren’t everything. 

Elections determine the government’s direction, yes, and are critical in the fight… but beyond that comes the need to project your faith beyond your “comfort zone”.  What has God called you to do?  Where is your place of service in God’s Kingdom?  What sphere of influence are you directed by God to place the Christian directive into?  Business?  Education?  Religion?  Government?  Media?  Arts and Entertainment?  The family?  Where is your field?  Which is your mountain?  Or maybe it is a combination of two or more? 

Whatever the case, GET INTO THE BATTLE!!!  SPEAK THE TRUTH!!!   Yes, speak the truth in love, but remember that even our loving Christ drove out the money-changers from the temple when it came time to do so.  Sometimes taking part, YOUR part, in society means taking on the “uncomfortable”.

We must reach the lost for Jesus Christ.  That is our primary commission in the Kingdom of God.  In order to effectively do so, we must take our place in society and stop being afraid to confront evil where it exists.  Our lack of nerve to do so is exemplified in our hesitance to confront, as a nation, the evils of ISIS/ISIL/ISUP (okay, I made ISUP up…  sometimes I just can’t help my sarcasm escaping…).  Let’s get uncomfortable…  let’s ruffle some feathers…  let’s wake the sleeping giant… 

The events of September 11, 2001 woke America up when we were thrust into our complacency causing us more discomfort than our ability to fight back.  And then time passed and we became tired of the fight again.
We are living in the last days.  Jesus told us to “occupy until (He returns)” (Luke 19:13 KJV)    The New King James version says “Do business until I come”.  We are told to press toward the mark (goal), work while it is yet day, reach the lost for Jesus Christ, and hold tightly to what we have so no one takes our “crown” from us.  It is time to do what you are called to do and influence where you are placed to do so.

Satan pulled off his “9-11” in the Garden of Eden, destroying the relationship of openness and purity mankind had with God, but God fired back!!!  Sacrifices were made until “the Sacrifice” was made on the Cross of Calvary.  And now sin has no place in the life of the Christian.

Paul finished his ministry saying, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (II Timothy 4:7)  He used warfare examples a lot.  He was imprisoned for daring to defy the ruling authority.  I think it’s time that type of determination permeated the Church once again.  In America, founded as a Christian nation regardless of what others say (again, see God Shed His Grace On Thee), we have the means to achieve the goal by becoming involved again...


In His Service,
Rex Louth
Author, God Shed His Grace On Thee (2013) Westbow Press  - -

Friday, August 15, 2014

Obeying God and Serving Man - Part III - John 12:1-43

In the Gospel of John, the twelfth through seventeenth chapters, Jesus reviews the need to serve God through all things, and sets the stage for His soon-coming crucifixion.  The ministry he prepares the disciples for will literally transform the entirety of the planet.  There are troublesome times coming, but there is a dawn of blessing that will supersede anything they will face in the challenge.

I will do my best in the following sections not to duplicate what has been said in the preceding two posts; however, there is some areas of strategic planning that will need to be reiterated.  Jesus is very clear to prepare his disciples for what is to come.  His message to them is the same as to “those who will believe in (Him) through their word”. (John 17:20)

John’s description of Jesus is very much the same as Matthew’s.  And both describe the attack from the rulers of the temple, yet John approaches this in a rather unique way.  He explains that the Pharisees refused to follow Jesus even though many in the religious sectors of society were following Him because they “loved the praise of men more than the praise of God”. (John 12:43)  In this we find a very critical issue related to the  operation of God’s people: you must appreciate your love for God greater than the praise of men.

The religious order of the day in Jerusalem (and, it appears, throughout all the land of Israel) was much more concerned with their reputation among the people, and particularly with their religious status, than with their relationship with God.  Their positions within the synagogues and temple gave them a certain significance among the populace.  They were highly revered and looked at as standing above the other facets of society.  And they soaked in the admiration of the populace with a grand fervor.

Then came Jesus.  His message of all mankind on equal ground before God undermined the praise they garnered for themselves.  His proclamation that the sinner begging for forgiveness far surpassed the righteousness of the religious leader proudly proclaiming his thanks that he was so much better than that “sinner” over there, bordered on blasphemy in their opinion.  How DARE He even compare them within the same sentence, let alone elevate this low-life above their position in relation to God?!!!

And yet, that is exactly what He did.  Today the church has fallen into a calamity of similar (dare I say, the same?) attitudes.  Professional clergy have taken the power of God unto themselves and stated clearly that they are endowed with certain clerical giftings held specifically for persons in their status within the Church.

I would like to point out a distinction in the way God presents operations within the church.  So many who present themselves as having a license within the Church to proclaim the Truth of God’s Word have a certain air of superiority about themselves.  I believe they are experiencing Pharaseeotosis, a very SERIOUS condition. 

What is this condition, you may ask?  Well, it is when a religious leader things more of themselves than they ought to.  They feel that they are above condemnation and are above the “commoners”.  An underlying phobia which may or may not accompany Pharaseeotosis is the fear of rejection, which in itself does not have a medical “phobia” name.   It is a very similar fear experienced in those in professional ministry and politics.

Essentially the reason for such distress is the desire to remain in power: whatever position of power that may be.  There are those who move into the professional ministry for the paycheck.  I believe the only reason to move into professional ministry is a calling from God.  Otherwise it is merely a profession to be pursued.  But add a God-calling, and it becomes a life… not just a lifestyle.

Now, to the distinction in position made by God in His Word.  The scripture which outlines ministry positions within the New Testament (New Covenant) is found in Ephesians 4:11-16.  It specifically outlines the positions of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher and describes the reason for their existence within the Church.  These positions are applied to provide a structure of learning within the Church in order to disciple each Christian in their walk with God.  The determining scripture for this is Ephesians 4:12, “for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

This outlines two outcomes within the body of Christ that are to be pursued: the preparation of the believer for the work of the ministry (to operate within their calling of ministry, for all are called), and the edification of the body of Christ (to build up – strengthen – encourage).  Essentially the responsibility is for these professional leaders to train the Believers in conducting their ministry and by doing so to develop the Body of Christ into a smoothly functioning, all united, empowered unit of proclaiming the gospel of Christ to the entire world.

Each member of “the Body” is to perform its function.  Each is to be exercised into being that which it is called for.  It is to be instructed in its functionality, and the gifts it has been given to do so.  The professional ministry is not the only gifted or empowered.   This is the distinction.  We all have a part of the whole.  We all have a mission to accomplish.  It is merely the responsibility of those members of the body to assist in preparing, encouraging and sending forth the others.

These positions are not to “lord over” the others, but will be held accountable for developing and commissioning all within the faith to be involved in the effort in their place of ministry.  Each believer has the calling, talents and gifting to take their place in the Kingdom.  If the professional ministry keeps the “power” to themselves, they rob the “body” from being able to fully achieve its potential; and they will be held responsible.

Part of the effacing of the Church over the past several decades has come at the hand of frightened professional ministers who have been silenced by the government’s scare tactics of removing the Church’s tax exempt status due to a heretofore unchallenged clause in the tax code.  This began as a subtle attack on the Church through the lie propagated called the “separation of Church and State”. 

This phrase, believed by a great number of Americans to be in the United States Constitution, comes from a letter from President Thomas Jefferson to a group of concerned members of the Danbury Baptist Association on January 1, 1802.  As I like to point out that Scripture needs to be taken in context, let us see the entirety of the sentence in which President Jefferson addresses this issue:

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.

Clearly, this sentence of the letter, which accounts for much of the entire writing, states that the full meaning of the First Amendment clauses regarding religion was to keep the government out of the Church, and not the other way around.  The believers in this nation are to have the ability to fully exercise their religious conviction without suppressive interference from the government.  In the rulings of the late forties through this moment in time, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has violated the very edict it was intended to preserve.

Prior to the SCOTUS ruling in the case of McCullum v. Board of Education Dist.71, 333 US 203 (1948), the precedent that had been established was that Christianity was the presiding religious practice of the nation, and instruction in Christian morals was well within the scope of its educational rights.  In fact, in the case of HOLY TRINITY CHURCH v. U.S., 143 US 457, 12 S.Ct. 511, 36 L.Ed. 226 (February 29, 1892), the SCOTUS outlines the multiple efforts within America where Christian ministry is propagated and the fact that Christianity flows through every facet of its society.  After pointing out these facts, the ruling states, “These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation.”

After the 1948 ruling declaring teaching of Christian morality in public schools to be a violation of the “separation of Church and State”, again noted not to be stated in the US Constitution at all, the Supreme Court then proceeded to set forth rulings declaring that Bible reading and prayer were also violations of such clause.  The “separation of Church and State” IS NOT A CLAUSE IN THE CONSTITUTION!!!

And into the fray comes the professional clergy…  silenced by a fear of rejection and the threat of the removal of their congregation’s tax exempt status.  Rather than take up the banner against such tyranny, as their Forefathers of the Black Robe Regiment did (a group which I will deal more with soon), they cowered into their corners of power, hoping not to gain any attention on themselves that would cause them to lose favor in the eyes of society and their own congregants. 

No wonder we have Christian American citizens that blindly believe they have no real voice in society.  They have been made to believe that the projection of their faith is to be done only within the confines of their religious complexes on the weekends (and sometimes throughout the week).

According to Acts 5:29, “…Peter and the other apostles answered and said: ‘We ought to obey God rather than men.”  These pilgrims into the realm of Christianity laid the framework upon the foundation of Jesus Christ to raise up the Church in following God’s plan, and proclaiming the truth of Christ, rather than succumbing to the pressures of a society gone awry.

This brings us to the 44th verse of John chapter twelve.  The posts to come will review the remainder of chapter twelve and throughout chapter seventeen.  Until then, may God richly bless you and yours, and provide within you the desire and strength to serve Him at all cost.

In His Service,
Rex Louth
Author, God Shed His Grace On Thee (2013) Westbow Press

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Obeying God and Serving Man – Part II (A study in Matthew 24 and 25)

In the Gospel of Matthew, the twenty-third through twenty-fifth chapters, Jesus deals with many circumstances of His time, and prepares the disciples for His coming scourging and death.  He explains that dark times are ahead, but there's a brighter day coming.  Today we continue to look at these chapters, and see if they might shed some light on the dark days we are experiencing here in America, and how the Christian should embrace our "dual-citizenship" as citizens of both the United States of America and the Kingdom of God.

At the end of the twenty-third chapter of Matthew we find Jesus reviewing the lack of honesty in the leadership of the Temple.  These, as I have previously pointed out, were those who conducted the business of governing those under Jewish authority.  While the Roman Empire’s government had an iron grasp on the land as a whole, the priests of the Temple held authority in most matters of carrying out the day-to-day government conduct.

Jesus very pointedly explained that they were no better than those who had hunted down and killed the prophets in the centuries past.  He explained that He would send them new prophets (the Apostles and Christians of His newly founded “Church”), and they would prove themselves to be the murderous brood they truly were.  While they condemned the actions of those in the past, they would, themselves, do the very thing they accused those of old for.
After explaining to them just how unholy they were (asking them how they would “escape the condemnation of hell” (Matthew 23:3), He laments over the people of Israel as a whole in His address to Jerusalem.
Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her!  How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!   See! Your house is left to you desolate; …”  (Matthew 23:37-38 NKJV)

First, it should be noted that Jesus was speaking in the present tense.  He was addressing them as those that were actively killing those sent to them.  These were His people!  These were those who knew better!
This should be a troubling sign to those of us in this great nation, the United States of America.  God has truly shed His grace on us.  There are multiple quotations of our Founders, men and women, which clearly address the need for us to be Christian.

Abigail Adams, wife of one of our chief Founding Fathers, John Adams, wrote to her husband in a letter dated November 5, 1775 that, “…a true patriot must be a religious Man.”  And in a later paragraph she answers his request for receiving information regarding specifics on how things are in the area.
I enclose the paper you sent for.  Your Business in collecting facts will be very difficult, and the Sufferings of this people cannot be circumscribed with pen, ink and paper.  Besides these Ministers of Satan are rendering it every day more and more difficult by their ravages and devastation, to tell a tale which will freeze the young Blood of succeeding Generations as well as harrow up the Souls of the present.

The concepts of Christianity and the “ministers of Satan” permeate her correspondence with her husband and son, John Quincy, who would later become President as well.

Many examples of men who wrote of the necessity of Christianity to prevail may be offered, including those of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Continental Army and, later, first President of the United States, as indicated in my last post.  Among those examples is the urging by the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, John Jay:
“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interested, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”

This is written in a letter to a Pennsylvania House of Representatives member, John Murray.  He preceded his statement about securing Christians for election to government leadership by emphasizing that, “Real Christians will abstain from violating the rights of others, and therefore will not provoke war.  Almost all nations have peace or war at the will and pleasure of rulers whom they do not elect, and who are not always wise or virtuous.”

While many will read this as a statement that Christians do not go to war, this is merely stating that Christian leaders will not impose their will empirically on others.  We certainly have a right to fight for and defend our freedoms.  After all, they are endowed to us by our Creator, according to our founding documentation, The Declaration of Independence.

The key is that Christian leadership will follow a particular code of ethic due to their foundations in the Bible.  They will engage in the activity of government, from being part of the People, elected from among us, by virtue of their God-inscribed morality.  They will not only represent a godly people, but will do so in a godly manner.

Also, Chief Justice Jay indicated at another time, “No human society has ever been able to maintain both order and freedom, both cohesiveness and liberty apart from the moral precepts of the Christian Religion.  Should our Republic ever forget this fundamental precept of governance, we will then, be surely doomed.”  I pray it is not too late for us to avoid this prophetic word from one of our Founding Fathers.

And here is where we find ourselves today: far-removed from these founding principles.  We, as a whole, do not seek the Bible’s instruction on our laws.  We do not formulate our opinions upon that which we will stand in account for at the final judgment.  Instead, we delve into our own feelings and attempt to impose those onto the populace at large as “rights”.

Jesus told the leadership of the Temple, the prevailing government of His day that they had led the people down a path to destruction:  “…Your house is left to you desolate!” (Matthew 23:38)  He stated that He had, on many occasions, attempted to bring them back to Himself… but they “would not”.

There is a cry rising in our nation, from amongst the people of God, the Christians, to return to the fundamental principles those of our First Freedom proposed, fought for, and defended with their “Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor”.  It is a call to repentance and reversal of direction.

Once Jesus has issued His sadly proclaimed statement of judgment on the people, He proceeds to speak to His disciples of the “end times”.   Whether you are “pre-trib”, “mid-trib”, or “post-trib” the truths of the end days are upon us.  I will not deal with my feelings on the issue of when “the Rapture” will occur at this time.  What I will discuss is how Jesus approached the topic in regards to our service in obeying Him and serving our fellow man.

Jesus speaks parables to His disciples after telling them of the signs of the days that will come upon the world.  He tells of the servants He leaves to be responsible for feeding those of the household “in due season”.  (Matthew 24:45)  When the master returns, if he finds the servant being mindful of properly distributing the food and making sure there is plenty for the duration, he will make him a ruler!  If, on the other hand, he finds him carelessly wasting the resources and providing for his own pleasure, he will cast him out “where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”. (Matthew 24:48-51)

He tells of the five wise and five foolish virgins who were to keep their lamps full of oil and burning.  While five followed the instructions, five did not.  The careless five allowed other issues to cloud their focus and they were distracted from remaining vigilant in their assigned responsibilities.  (Matthew 25:1-13)
I do not believe they intentionally allowed their lamps to run out of fuel, or that they made a conscious decision to wait until the last second to attempt to find the necessary oil.  They were caught unaware. 

Today the Christian Church has fallen into a state of unawareness.  The Believer heard the message presented repeatedly and persistently from those who badgered the airwaves and societal influence with the “separation of Church and State”.  This phrase is NOT in the United States Constitution, contrary to what many are led to believe.  We were made to believe that our Christian faith should be maintained in the confines of religious practice in places of worship.  We were distracted by all the activity around us, and the continual barrage of in-your-face materialism.

Even the Church became obsessed with numbers.  It was not focused on the actual numbers of people truly giving their hearts to Jesus Christ and accepting Him as their personal Savior; but became enamored with the total attendance within any particular structure on a regular basis.

Please know that I realize numbers are important.  They represent souls that need to be reached for an eternal place in Heaven.  However, what is troubling revolves around the way the Church focused on larger attendances.

In order to reach out to more, the gospel became watered down in many instances.  The Truth was replaced with a more seeker friendly message.  I remind the Christian of Jesus’ warning that “not everyone who says to (Him), ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven”. (Matthew 7:21 NKJV).  This is actually another sign that we are, indeed, living in the last days.  The Apostle Paul warned his son-in-Christ Timothy that in the last days “they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires <seeker friendly, anyone?> because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers”. (II Timothy 4:3 NKJV)

This is not a popular message, but one which the Church MUST hear!  We must not be caught distracted by the intensive assault on our faith and morality, or the focus on increasing numbers (that is what ‘businesses’ focus on), but on the proclamation of the truth and teaching others to “observe all things that (He has) commanded (us)”. (Matthew 28:20)

The very next parable of Jesus similarly spoke of the need for His followers to be working diligently while they have the opportunity.  He stated that a ruler went away to a far country and left his workmen with varying amounts of money to deal with on his behalf.  While gone, the workers utilized the investments in varying degrees of success.  Most were able to provide some level of return, since they had worked to build upon what he had entrusted them with, except for one.  The one gave the excuse that he hid the money for safe keeping because he was afraid to lose it.

Many in the Christian faith are afraid to stand up and proclaim the truth of God’s Word.  They are afraid of what might happen to them if they dare to speak out on God’s behalf.  It is not a popular thing to do in our society.  Yet this one workman in the parable, who hid the funds away, simply waiting for the ruler to return, received a horrific “reward”.  The money he had been given was taken from him and given to the one who had received the most return on his investment, and then he was to be “cast into outer darkness” where, once again Jesus warns, “There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”.  (Matthew 24:30)

I know…  these are not the messages we want to hear today.  I am a crazy “old timer” who doesn’t understand the “way things are” in today’s society…  Unfortunately, however:  I DO!  And this is why I speak up.  There is coming a day of judgment, and I fear the Church in general is facing a most eye-opening experience when they stand before the King of Kings, if they make it to that judgment.

The Bible warns us that as Christians we will stand before Jesus and give an account of what we have done.  It also warns that the five foolish virgins did not make it to the marriage supper, but the door was closed and they were kept out.  The servant who hid the funds entrusted to him was “cast into outer darkness”.  I do not know at what point one may lose their place in God’s Kingdom, but why risk getting there only to have your works judged as ineffective by the “trial in fire”.  (I Corinthians 3:12-13)

It is time for the Christian to arise and speak out.  It is necessary that, if we are to restore this great nation to the position it once had as a God-fearing nation, and re-secure the blessings of God and avoid the impending judgment, we do our part as Believers and call the land to repentance and restitution.

If we are to truly serve our fellow man, it must be in reaching out to them with the truth of God’s Word.  We are to serve in manners of benevolence, but the essential assistance to the rich and poor must be to help them see the coming judgment of souls.  The place they will spend eternity is the critical fact of their lives. 

Regardless of their “feelings”, though we are to be “wise as serpents and gentle as doves” (Matthew 10:16), we must confront them with the fact that they must come face to face with the choice of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Lifestyles, choices and habits which are disobedient to the Word of God cause separation from Him and the eternal “death” of existence in a dark and miserable lake of fire.

The time has come to sound the clarion cry of truth to a lost and needy nation.  It is time to challenge the accepted immoral morality of the present age.  The Bible, in all its fullness, must be taught to those wishing not to hear it so that we may lead some to follow the life that Jesus commanded.
May God bless you as you find your place in this effort.  May He show you the path you are to walk, and give you strength to do so.

My next post will deal with the message of Christ that follows:  John chapters twelve through seventeen.  I may have to break that one up into two posts as well, but we will see.  Until then, blessings upon you and yours.

In His Service,

Rex Louth
Author, God Shed His Grace On Thee (2013) Westbow Press

Friday, July 25, 2014

Obeying God - and Serving Man - Part I (A look at Matthew 23:1-25:46)

In the Gospel of Matthew, the twenty-third through twenty-fifth chapters, Jesus deals with many circumstances of His time, and prepares the disciples for His coming scourging and death.  He explains that dark times are ahead, but there’s a brighter day coming.  Today we look at these chapters, and see if they might shed some light on the dark days we are experiencing here in America, and how the Christian should embrace our “dual-citizenship” as citizens of both the United States of America and the Kingdom of God.

The United States of America is in a crisis.  The Church is in a crisis.  It is a crisis described in the prophetic words of Paul as he wrote to Timothy, his student, and serving as pastor of the Church at Ephesus:
I Timothy 3:1-9  But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.

Read those verses through verse seven.  Is this not the day in which we find ourselves?  Dark days have come to our land.  And in Matthew chapter twenty-three dark days were coming to Jesus and the disciples.

Jesus had just recently entered through the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem to cries of “Hosanna!  Hosanna!  Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Matthew 21:9)  How cool is that?!  (sorry – I am a teen of the 70’s)  They were, no doubt, bouncing around the crowd, soaking in all the experience had to offer.  And then the darkness forced itself into the days ahead.
While the Romans had dominion over the land of Israel, the prevailing local government of the land was the rulers of the Jewish Temple.  They even had their own “army”, the Temple Guard.  When they ultimately approached Pilot to have Jesus tried, he told them to stop bothering him and try Jesus under their law. 

Jesus stirred some controversy when, after being hailed “king” as He entered the gates, He entered the Temple and “cleansed” it.  He braided a whip (He didn’t buy one from local merchants), and proceeded to “drive out” the merchants selling sacrifices there. 

Now why is this significant?  Because God had specifically told the Jews to bring their own sacrifice from their own herds, or farm, and bring the absolute best.  While many traveled a LONG distance to get to the Temple at this time of the Passover, the merchants, by means of the blessing of the religious leadership, were turning the place of sacrifice into a place focused on “other” things.  When we gather in the presence of God, and with His people, the focus should be on the worship, and not the wealth.  Jesus’ scathing denouncement of the Pharisees what that they cleaned up really nicely on the outside, but God knew that inside their focus was not on true service of Him, but on drawing attention to their awesomeness of prayers and superiority of “spirituality”.   He deemed them a people more like vipers (poisonous snakes) that those serving the people, as they were ordained to.

The focus of the leadership was on carnal things, rather than spiritual.  They were more involved for what was in it for them.  This is the prideful and self-centered attitude that God simply calls out as something He hates.  (Proverbs 6:16-17 & 21:4)

In the United States of America the problem has become that the government is now “employing” those focused on their power and authority, with a raised ideal of themselves.  They think they are better than anyone else.  They purport that they are for “the little guy”, while enacting legislation and ordering actions that instead are an attempt to exercise their control over others and demean the value of the general populace.

At the same time, they deny God.   They deny the place of authority God has had in the formation of our nation since its inception.  President George Washington warned against this in his final address to the Congress and, thereby, to the nation.
Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice ? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

We are a religious people.  Washington also referred to the fact that, except for minor variations among the denominations and practices of individual churches, “you have the same religion”.

Where the calling of God is for His people to send light into the world through proclamation of His truth, the Church has shirked on its duty to impact our surrounding society for many decades.  We have gathered in our buildings and sung our songs with enthusiasm, while leaving the “teaching” to those whose secular worldview has caused most to believe they are nothing more than evolved slime-monkeys.  (yes…I said slime-monkeys)

Jesus sent us into “all the world” so that we might go about “teaching them to observe all things” He has “commanded” us.  (Mark 16:15 & Matthew 28:20)  We have sat back and believed the lie that we have no place in public influence.  Yet our very faith demands that we make a difference, and preach the gospel regardless of what man says or thinks.  “We ought to obey God rather than men.”  (Acts 5:29)  Several Founding Fathers encouraged the election of Christians to fill the positions of authority in our nation.

And while the nation passed legislation to take over control of the benevolent aspects of society that were and are the responsibility of the Church, we sat by and sang our hymns and covered our eyes to what was happening.  Public welfare was conducted by the “religious” before it was allowed to pass into the hands of the “secular”.  And because the Church abandoned its primary place in that arena, many have come to see it as irrelevant.  The New Deal was actually The Raw Deal for the Christian church.

And here is where Jesus began in His parables.  The Parable of the Two Sons, and the Parable of the Wicked Vine-Dressers.  In each He speaks of those sent into the vineyard, or field, to work.  One son immediately agrees to go work, but does not, and the other son says he will not, but then does.  The one who did the work, and did not only talk the talk is the one the father was pleased with. 

The vine-dressers are sent into the vineyard to do the work and prepare for the coming of the owner to gather his harvest.  When he sends his servants in to gather the fruit of the land he owns, they are beaten and some killed.  When he ultimately sends in his son, they also kill him and talk of taking “his inheritance” by force.  The owner will come and bring a severe judgment on those vine-dressers.  In fact, Jesus compares the Jews to those vine-dressers.  He states very clearly:
The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.”  -Matthew 21:43

God has sent us into the world, and has caused us to be citizens of this nation.  He expects us to teach all the truth of His Word.  He expects us to “occupy until” He returns. (Luke 19:13 KJV)  the New King James Version states that those given “talents” or “minas” (forms of currency) were to “do business” until He returned.  They were to labor diligently in all aspects of doing business or occupying until He relieved them of their duty.

It is up to you and I in the Christian faith to gather ourselves back together, get into the field, and work.  We must do business and gather the fruit of our labor until He relieves us of duty.

This is difficult.  There is much that has been lost.  But the great part is that He has not only placed this responsibility into our hands, but He gives us the means to see the increase if we ask Him to help us.  There is no losing in the Kingdom of God when you place all you have and the results of your labor into His hands.

Paul points this out very clearly in I Corinthians 3:6-8
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.

So many are trying to build their own “mini-kingdoms” today.  It is all in God’s hands.  Let us place the results squarely upon Him, and take it upon ourselves to do what we know we must.

This great people…  We the People of the United States…  have worked together to reach the lost sinners of the world across this continent, throughout the entirety of the globe, and back.  We have been the strongest contributor to the spreading of the gospel “unto the uttermost”.  As I mentioned earlier, the Jews were warned that, “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."  (Matthew 21:43)  We know this to be referring to the "Kingdom of God" in a spiritual realm, but He mentions a nation thtat would bring forth the fruits thereof.  I know it is a bit of a stretch, but what if He was referring to this great land of religious liberty that would be founded upon Christian principles?  And that would send send its missionaries throughout the globe to win the lost to Jesus Christ?  And what if we were to be that nation?  God has given Israel opportunities thoughout time to follow His ways, and when they removed themselves from Him, the blessings were removed, and judgment fell.  What if our only chance to escape judgment is for us to lead a revival among the people? 

And as to attempting to regain our place in this great nation, the United States of America, the task seems insurmountable.  We must understand we did not lose it overnight, and we probably will not regain it overnight.  We must be committed to the long run.  Our life as citizens of the Kingdom of God, and of the United States in duo-citizenship, is not a sprint…  it is a marathon.  So:
… let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…  (Hebrews 12:1-2)

I encourage each of you to recognize your place in this effort.  Not all will be called to run for political office.  Not all will be called to proclaim this message on the streets or into the public square through media.  But all are called to go “into the highways and hedges and compel them”* to come to the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as personal Savior.  *(Luke 14:23)  All are required to reach out in whatever way they are called, and to exercise their citizenship by voting their faith, and not their conscience or feelings.
Spread the Word!

My next post will deal with the further message of Christ in Matthew chapters twenty-three through twenty-five.
In His Service,
Rex Louth
Author, God Shed His Grace On Thee (2013) Westbow Press

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Knowing your Constitution - Part VI - - The Christian Constitution and Limited Government-Part III - OVERREACH

The Constitution of the United States of America

We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, and insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Article I.  Section I.  All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
*   *   *
Amendment I  -  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The above sections of the Constitution of the United States of America are transcribed directly from my “copy” of the original constitution.  Over the years I have been a collector of items related to the history of the United States, and purchased this copy, which is even printed on paper treated to look “authentic, fifteen years ago.  This was about the time I felt compelled by God to take action in society in a way that is not popular for a pastor to become involved.  Or at least it was not commonly accepted at that time.
I would like to point out that on the original Constitution, the words “We the People” are, indeed, proportionately larger than the entirety of the remainder of the document as I indicate above.  I believe there is significance to that.  It is “We the People” and not “We the Government”.  Just sayin’…
Today I continue to deal with an issue which has come to the forefront of the news recently: Constitutional Authority and OVERREACH.

It is my firm conviction that all branches of the federal government are guilty of overreach.  I have mentioned in previous entries that I am not a lawyer; however, in recent days I have been in sincere discussion with several of the bar.  (Who, by the way, confirmed the rumor that I had heard previously, and was subsequently assured was not the case, but is, that many lawyers study Constitutional law by studying cases studies and NOT the Constitution itself, but I digress.)  While I am not an attorney, I have read the Constitution and studied it as a concerned citizen of the United States of America.
With this in mind, I offer the following analysis:

The sitting President of the United States (or standing, depending on which position he is presently speaking untruth <I almost said “lying”, but some would say that is too harsh>) is in violation of the Constitution by his continual adjustment to legislation passed by Congress.  The phrase above, taken directly from the Constitution in Article I, Section I, states very clearly that legislative powers are placed in the hands of the Congress in two branches, the House of Representatives and the Senate.  It proceeds to outline the procedures by which the bodies of Congress shall pass legislation (laws) and have them forwarded to the President for his (or her) signature.  Yes, I concede that we may one day very well have a female President, although I pray that it is NOT in 2016, unless a conservative lady arises from the “right-wing” party.  (Run, Sarah, Run!).

Once signed into law, or a veto is overturned by Congress (also in the outline of procedures known as the Constitution), it becomes the set law of the land and may not be arbitrarily altered by the Executive Branch (the President of the United States, for those less informed).  Our President has indicated, “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone”.  Well, that’s hunky dory…  but so do I…  and you don’t see me out here attempting to overwrite Congressional authority!!!

And speaking of that wonderful Congress in whose power legislation rests, do you know THEY have overstepped the Constitutional boundaries as well?  Yes they have!  (ouch – that sounds way to much like a left wing battle cry).  In the First Amendment to the Constitution (which I have also written out for those of you who have not read the Constitution or its amendments – particularly those of the left-leaning type) it clearly states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”  Well, let me see…  I say in my “church lady-ish” voice…  Where could they POSSIBLY have overstepped their authority in THIS area?  

Hmmmm…  Oh yes…  I have it now…  They passed a massive law, many times the size of all the writings of the Bible, no matter which version you’re reading, and stated that ALL EMPLOYERS, (and all persons for that matter) shall carry abortifacient drugs and contraceptives contrary to what may be their religious beliefs.  I refuse to call the abortifacient drugs (who comes up with these words?) medication, because its primary purpose is to kill babies in the womb.  Their support of this is that everyone is entitled to have these, and we don’t have to USE them…  we just have to carry them and PROVIDE them!!!  Which, by the way, IS against my faith!

And now I come to the wondrous rulings of the all-impartial Supreme Court.  (I’m sorry…I think I gagged and had a bit of…solution…form in my throat).  Like it or not, there are many rulings prior to those of the late 1940’s which indicate that religion, and, yes, Christianity particularly, is viable in the public square.  Nativity scenes, Ten Commandment displays, and, (gasp), even crosses are allowed in public places.  I place an entry from my book, God Shed His Grace On Thee, found on pages 121-124 for your consideration:
A group asking that chaplains be removed from the Houses
of the United States Congress as well as the Army and
Navy approached the Senate in 1852. The Senate Judiciary
Committee issued their report early the following year. After
pointing out the various examples of the founders supporting
religious activity within the government, they indicated very
strongly that they had every right to support chaplains in these

Our fathers were true lovers of liberty, and utterly
opposed to any constraint upon the rights of conscience.
They intended, by this amendment (the first) to prohibit
“an establishment of religion” such as the English church
presented, or anything like it. But they had no fear or
jealousy of religion itself, nor did they wish to see us
an irreligious people; they did not intend to inhibit a just
expression of religious devotion by the legislators of the
nation, even in their public character as legislatures;
they did not intend to send our armies and navies
forth to do battle for their country without any national
recognition of that God on whom success or failure
depends; they did not intend to spread over all the public
authorities and the whole public action of the nation
the dead and revolting spectacle of atheistical apathy.
Not so had the battles of the revolution been fought,
and the deliberations of the revolutionary Congress
conducted. On the contrary, all had been done with a
continual appeal to the Supreme Ruler of the world, and
an habitual reliance upon His protection of the righteous
cause which they commended to His care.75

Similarly, the Judiciary Committee of the House of
Representatives was approached by a group requesting that
Christianity be removed from all government proceedings in
1853. The committee took a full year in reviewing the request
and its findings, presented on March 27, 1854, stated the

Down to the Revolution, every colony did sustain religion
in some form. It was deemed peculiarly proper that the
religion of liberty should be upheld by a free people. Had
the people, during the Revolution, had a suspicion of
any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution
would have been strangled in its cradle. At the time of
the adoption of the Constitution and the amendments,
the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be
encouraged – not any one sect.

                                      * * *
If there be a God who hears prayer – as we believe
there is – we submit, that there never was a deliberative
body that so eminently needed the fervent prayers of
righteous men as the Congress of the United States.

                                       * * *
…we beg leave to rescue ourselves from the imputation
of asserting that religion is not needed to the safety of
civil society. It must be considered as the foundation
on which the whole structure rests. Laws will not
have permanence or power without the sanction of
religious sentiment – without a firm belief that there
is a Power above us that will reward our virtues and
punish our vices. In this age there can be no substitute
for Christianity; that, in its general principles, is the
great conservative element on which we must rely
for the purity and permanence of free institutions.
That was the religion of the founders of the republic,
and they expected it to remain the religion of their

In the case of HOLY TRINITY CHURCH v. U.S., 143 U.S. 457,
12 S.Ct. 511, 36 L.Ed. 226, the Supreme Court delivered its
findings on February 29, 1892. Holy Trinity Church in New York
City had brought in a minister from England for employ in their
congregation. According to a law enacted by Congress, no
one was to be able to do so. The court handed down a ruling
stating that Holy Trinity Church would be able to do so under
their rights as a religious organization. Within the body of the
ruling is the following statement.
If we pass beyond these matters to a view of American
life, as expressed by its laws, its business, its customs,
and its society, we find everywhere a clear recognition of
the same truth. Among other matters note the following:
The form of oath universally prevailing, concluding
with an appeal to the Almighty; the custom of opening
sessions of all deliberative bodies and most conventions
with prayer; the prefatory words of all wills, “In the name
of God, amen;” the laws respecting the observance of
the Sabbath, with the general cessation of all secular
business, and the closing of courts, legislatures,
and other similar public assemblies on that day; the
churches and church organizations which abound in
every city, town, and hamlet; the multitude of charitable
organizations existing everywhere under Christian
auspices; the gigantic missionary associations, with
general support, and aiming to establish Christian
missions in every quarter of the globe. These and many
other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of
unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances
that this is a Christian nation.77

75 United States Senate: Judiciary Committee Report, Chaplains in
Congress, and in the Army and Navy. (January 19, 1853).

76 United States House of Representatives: Judiciary Committee Report,Chaplains in Congress, and in the Army and Navy. (March 27, 1854).
77 United States Supreme Court, Holy Trinity Church vs. U.S., 143 U.S.457 (February 29, 1892).
The Supreme Court has an opportunity to act as a Congressional authority this summer as it hands down its ruling regarding the cases brought before it of the Conestoga Wood Specialties and Hobby Lobby businesses.  These Christian owned businesses, just two of eighty-four (84) who have brought cases against this overreach of Congress, provides the Court with the ability to do something right.

Christians have the Constitutional right to serve God openly in the public square!  Congress cannot Constitutionally stop the religious display of artifacts in public.  The Constitution does not give anyone the right not to be offended…   Our government, in all branches, has lost sight of the Free Exercise clause of the First Amendment.

It is with this in mind that I set forth the following proposition, also based on the First Amendment.  The final section of the First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law…abridging the…right of the people…to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  This is a correct citing of the Amendment.  I believe it is time for a petition to be formulated which outlines the “grievances” which have been forced upon us by a government gone amok!  It is time for the people of this land from coast to coast to unite in one voice to say, “We will not go quietly into the night!  We will not vanish without a fight!  We’re going to live on!  We’re going to survive!”.  I just love that speech from Independence Day  ;)  )  

A “redress of grievances” is call for.  I am not suggesting a revolution of physical violence… in no way…  but we DO have a Constitution which grants us peaceable means to effect change...

Let's do this!!!

Rex Louth
Author, God Shed His Grace On Thee (2013) Westbow Press