Friday, January 10, 2014

God or Not

Today I want to take a moment and deviate from my series on Constitutional Crisis to deal with a topic that is part of the assault on Christianity in the public square: Evolution vs Creation.  I deal with this issue in the Eighth Chapter of God Shed His Grace On Thee, titled "The War Against Christianity".  Essentially, this debate comes down to where you will place your faith.  I contend that it takes more faith to believe in life from lifelessness in absence of a creator.  And theologians who take the position that the two are compatible are falling into the trap of "Hath God said,...?" as Eve did.

First, I want to deal with my fellow Christians in their acceptance of the flawed theory of evolution and attempting to make it compatible with biblical creation.  I contend that there are many critical potholes in our faith that are created when we try to make our Bible adapt to a scientific theory.

The Genesis account of creation is very clear.  "The evening and the morning were..."  Theologians attempt to spiritualize the first day of creation, when a quick word study finds the "evening and the morning" are, literally, that; an evening, and a morning: daylight and night time.  One person in their attempt at spiritualizing day one of creation stated that "The Light is the Son of God and the Son was commanded to augment himself from God the Father, before creation (God created the heaven and earth Genesis 1:1 not the Light of Genesis 1:2 & 3). The Son of God expanded his beam of radiant Light that caused the darkness to spin away from Him so that He would create the heaven and earth at the Father's commandment "Let there be"."  I am still attempting to fathom this explanation.  First, Jesus is the second Person of the Trinity. God.  He was in existence before Genesis 1:1 ever occurred.  It appears that someone is attempting to state that God the Father is splitting Himself off into a second existence in order to accomplish a task, like an amoeba would split itself to become two.  I assume then, that God the Father also split Himself off, again, into a third expression of Himself to become the Holy Spirit. 

We can attempt to express ourselves in haughty terminology all we want to, but the facts are the facts:  Either God is Creator or He is not.  Either God did as He outlines in His Word, or He did not.  Even the intricacies of a one-celled organism necessary to sustain its life are more than enough proof that a creator had to have had a hand in designing it.  When you recognize that within one cell are the necessary operations and mechanisms at work to allow it to process light and nutrients in a manner consistent with its survival, you have to know that there is someone who put that operation in place in perfect harmonious interaction.

When you place creation's activity in the hands of millions of years and chance you displace the God of Heaven.  There is no need for Him.  And if you believe the idea of evolution you have to also accept that much death and destruction took place long before sin entered the picture and brought about man's fall from perfection.  And you have to accept that God brought you from a "pre-man" ape-like creature to become the sentient being you are today, not to mention all the gills and fins he took you through.  And when did man get his soul?  That unique element of mankind not shared by the remainder of creation:  a soul formulated in the eternal existence of God Himself.

STOP IT!!!  Wake up, believer!  Be a Believer or don't...  Quit attempting to make God fit in your boxes; boxes created by those who don't want to accept standing before an Almighty God and giving an account for their acceptance or rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior, and the resulting choices and actions made.  Stop playing the games set forth by a world seeking to eliminate God from everything:  creation, history, and all other elements of existence.

Stretching our theology to accommodate a scientific theory which attempts to eliminate God from the equation is ridiculous.  "Hath God said,..." appears to be an accepted argument just as surely as it worked on Eve at the dawn of time.  I become so frustrated by those who wish to listen to the Liar rather than the Truth.  In John 8:42-45, Jesus explains that the devil, Lucifer, Satan, acts as the father of all who reject the truth.  He concludes by saying, "...because I tell the truth, you do not believe me."  And here is where the Church has come.

I don't know how He did it...  I don't know how He does it...  but God is GOD...  Almighty!  Eternal; past-present-future...  Unlimited Power!  All knowing...  All observing...  Speak it and it happens in a twenty-four hour, evening and morning timeframe...  Deal with it.

Which brings me to my second point:  the Faith Factor.  Even atheists have faith.  Faith (deviating from the Hebrews 11:1 definition) is trusting that what you believe is true without tactile evidence.  It is easy to say you know God will heal you after you've been healed.  It is the before knowledge that we're talking about when it comes to faith.

The Faith Factor applies to both sides of this argument.  The evolutionists have to believe that what they say is correct, because there is no concrete evidence to evolution.  There are no animals that are "half and half" or "transitional" animals.  You're either a monkey, or you're not.  (Now there are some members of humanity that cause me pause from time-to-time, but I digress). 

The atheist has to have a belief that God does not exist, even with evidences that He does all around.  They have to believe that when life ceases they will simply cease to exist and will not stand before the Almighty.  They have to believe that their intellect will only carry on in the accomplishments they make on this plane of existence and that others will remember them because of those achievements.  They put their full trust in these ideas, because to believe otherwise would cause them to have to consider that they WILL stand before God and give an account.

The believer has a trust in the idea that God not only exists, but has a vested interest in them as one of His creation.  That He loved mankind so much that He came to earth, as second person of the Trinity, to die in our place on the Cross of Calvary.  And the believer, who has not seen Heaven, trusts that it exists, and that the glorified and cleansed universe will one day serve as home to those who will accept Jesus as their personal Savior.  They will live in God's presence throughout the remainder of eternity, which is beyond our comprehension.

It is way past time for the Church to choose sides.  The creation happened as God outlined.  The flood during Noah's time occurred.  Moses and the Children of Israel crossed on dry ground through the midst of the Red Sea to victory over the Egyptians.  Jesus, Son of God, God in the flesh, came to earth as one of us to take our place and pay the price for our sin (which, by the way, was the acceptance of the "Hath God said,..." question in defying Him).  Jesus lives!  He ascended to Heaven, and is today interceding for us before the Father.  The Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost, for those of you raised during my time) lives in and through each of us in providing direction and power to accomplish what God wishes for our lives.  It is time for FAITH!

He is either God...  or He is not...  I decide...