Friday, February 21, 2014

Knowing your Constitution - Part V - - The Christian Constitution and Limited Government-Part II

 The Constitution of the United States of America

We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, and insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Article I.  Section I.  All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
*   *   *
Amendment I  -  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The above sections of the Constitution of the United States of America are transcribed directly from my “copy” of the original constitution.  Over the years I have been a collector of items related to the history of the United States, and purchased this copy, which is even printed on paper treated to look “authentic, fifteen years ago.  This was about the time I felt compelled by God to take action in society in a way that is not popular for a pastor to become involved.  Or at least it was not commonly accepted at that time.
I would like to point out that on the original Constitution, the words “We the People” are, indeed, proportionately larger than the entirety of the remainder of the document as I indicate above.  I believe there is significance to that.  It is “We the People” and not “We the Government”.  Just sayin’…

Today I continue to deal with an issue which has come to the forefront of the news recently: Constitutional Authority and Religious Freedom.
I received a response to my prior post from a lawyer.  He assures me that I am misinformed as to lawyers not studying the Constitution.  It truly does please me to hear this.  And I appreciate this person bringing this to my attention.
There is much being said in recent years (decades, actually) regarding the secularized government that we are supposed to have.  By bringing this to the forefront those promoting such a notion attempt to block what they perceive as infiltration of religion into the public square.  They quote founders who made statements referring to the “wall of separation” between church and state.  I mentioned in my previous posting that this was so that there was no establishment of a ‘state-sponsored’ Church.  This has been challenged for quite some time now, and particularly within the past several decades.

James Madision has become known as the “Father of the Constitution” because he was an arduous note taker, and scribed much of the debate on the Constitution, as well as being a defender of the Constitution as one of the writers of The Federalist Papers.  He has been highly quoted as saying that, “The Constitution of the United States forbids everything like an establishment of a national religion” (Detached Memoranda, 1820).  This quote is taken in his arguments against paid chaplains in the Government.   It might be noted that his Detached Memoranda was written, as was those anti-God writings of Thomas Paine, later in life.  Upon review of Madison’s life you find what he was most greatly opposed to.  He was very vocal in his displeasure when seeing the punishment of citizens within the varied states for their resistance to following religious practices set into place by state law.  It was his belief that none should be subjected to punishment due to their religious practice, or lack thereof.

Let’s take a moment and look at the original Amendment presented to Congress which has become the First Amendment.  James Madison presented his first draft to the Congress in the 1st Congressional session June 8, 1789 after ratification by the States of the Constitution which established the branches and authorities of government.  The portion related to religious freedom read as follows:

…The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed.

It is by this that we observe the original intent of the Amendment.  Before the Supreme Court right now are cases related to businesses owned by those who hold high religious values which brings them in direct opposition to aspects of the Affordable Care Act.  (I call it by its legislative name, but it is known throughout the land as “ObamaCare”.)  In the original wording we find that “the civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship”.  Truly, the rights of those opposed to providing services which bring to an end the life of a human being in its earliest stages of infancy are being infringed by a law which requires them to do so against their religious beliefs at the threat of severe fines.  This is done in the name of “Rights”.  The truth is that one of the “Rights” granted to us by our Creator, according to the Declaration of Independence, is LIFE.  So, in relation to the First Amendment “Rights” of the “free exercise” of religion without threat of punishment by adhering to those “Rights”, the Supreme Court should find in favor of those whose religious faith has driven them to defy such a law.

Also, the original wording expressly mentions that there should be no “national religion” established.  So many who quote Madison try to imply that this was not the major emphasis of the Amendment, and yet that is exactly what is directly mentioned in the original draft.  Yes, there was much debate on the Amendment, as well as the others presented that day.  I have not at this point in time had the opportunity to read the entirety of the debate.
I have, however, taken the time to read a large number of the letters, articles, speeches and noted debates within the ranks of the Founding Fathers during the formation of this nation.  Based on my observations, and the multitude of words expressed within the annals of true history, it is no doubt that the government was established, not as a Theocracy, but as a secular Republic which was to be ruled under the influence of morality and ethics which come 
from “religious” practice.

The emphasis of those wishing to firmly state that our government is to be purely secular is that those in the days of our foundation could have established a Theocracy had they chosen to do so.  And that statement is true.  What they wished to avoid was the iron hand of a Theocracy which operated under a Monarchy which told the average citizen how they would worship God, or it would impose fines and worse.

I do not have the opportunity today to complete the full expression of this effort; however, I will continue this into a third part early next week.
When the Government of the United States of America attempts to impose its lack of moral compass onto the entire country through laws which support and promote the elimination of “unwanted pregnancy” (the life of an unborn child), they directly violate the “Rights” of the religious, and overstep their place in establishing a directive that goes against the very Constitution they imply to support.

One by one the true “Rights” of the citizenry are trampled while those supposing to be representative of “the People” press their warped ideology onto the masses.  And many of those masses, uninformed and lured into being an electorate enticed by what they can get from the Government, have no real idea of what this nation is all about and how we were established.  Instead, they blindly cast ballots with the promise that they will, in turn, receive what is “due” them.

Meanwhile, the nation’s crime rate rises, the unemployed abandon hope of finding a job, illegal activities are viewed as legal, and morality is viewed as repressive.  Lifestyles detrimental to the natural flow of society are promoted, and virtues valued for centuries come under attack.

          II Timothy 3:1-8
 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts,always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith...

One final note for today:  If the Founding Fathers were so opposed to Christian (“religious”) influence on their proceedings, why did George Washington, as part of his inauguration (not just on the same day, but actually part of the inaugural plan) take he and those members of Congress to church for a time of prayer and worship?  Why did he later state in his final address:

Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.  The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them.  A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity.  Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?  And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

Both the Bible and President George Washington warned against the same thing: supposed intelligence brought about by “refined education” (see Proverbs 3:5-8).  Why is America in the place we find ourselves (II Timothy 3:1-8 above)?  Because we have “left (our) first love” (Revelation 2:4  - see also Revelation 3:14-22).  It is time to return to the original plan.  It is time to set the record straight.

Rex Louth
Author, God Shed His Grace On Thee (2013) Westbow Press

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Knowing Your Constitution - Part IV - - The Christian Constitution and Limited Government-Part I

The Constitution of the United States of America

We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, and insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Article I.  Section I.  All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
*   *   *
Amendment I  -  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The above sections of the Constitution of the United States of America are transcribed directly from my “copy” of the original constitution.  Over the years I have been a collector of items related to the history of the United States, and purchased this copy, which is even printed on paper treated to look “authentic, fifteen years ago.  This was about the time I felt compelled by God to take action in society in a way that is not popular for a pastor to become involved.  Or at least it was not commonly accepted at that time.

I would like to point out that on the original Constitution, the words “We the People” are, indeed, proportionately larger than the entirety of the remainder of the document as I indicate above.  I believe there is significance to that.  It is “We the People” and not “We the Government”.  Just sayin’…
Today I wish to deal with an issue which has come to the forefront of the news recently: Constitutional Authority.

I heard recently that when a lawyer studies Constitutional Law they are not studying “the Constitution of the United States of America”, but rather the decisions handed down related to the Constitution.  As an Ordained Bishop, it occurs to me that this would be like me taking a seminary class on theology which only deals with what others have said about the Bible, or more accurately, sermons others have preached on the topics covered in the Bible.
While it is expected that one who delivers sermons to his congregation regularly should actually read the text out of which he is presented such a message, it appears that one who “practices” law is not held to the same standard in their field of ‘expertise’.

Honestly, I am appalled that I may know the actual Constitution and its Amendments better than those professionally trained in such.  I have read the original Constitution several times, and, with the help of a book and accompanying video titled, The Constitution Made Easy, written and presented by Michael Holler, I have conducted even further study.

What many in this nation do not know is what the Constitution IS.  They know the ‘rights’ they have based on what they have been spoon-fed in the media and by those wishing to control them, but they do not have a clue what actually grants them the rights they DO have.

Before dealing with what the Constitution IS, I wish to point out what it is NOT.  It is not a document outlining the right to have free things at the expense of others.  It is not a document which gives everyone the freedom not to be offended.  It is not a document that provides the ability to live life beyond the influence of religious practice.  And it IS NOT a document which outlines the “separation of church and state” in its primary text, nor ANY of its Amendments.

And now what “the Constitution” IS.  The Constitution of the United States of America is a document which grants a government to be formed on behalf of the People, or citizenry, of the United States.  In England, Great Britain, the elections are granted by the monarchy to bring about a government to represent the people in which the monarch calls the Prime Minister before him/her self in order to grant them the commission to set up a government on their behalf.  

This is not the case in the United States of America.
The Preamble to the Constitution clearly states, “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice and ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

We the People…  WE the PEOPLE…  It is US…  the Citizens of the United States who grant those representing us to do so.  And they do so with limited power.  We establish this Constitution to cause us to join together in a united effort to establish justice and ensure domestic tranquility.  We do so to bring about a unified existence which tells the rest of the world, “We are Americans!”  We do so that we might have a military presence which acts on our behalf to defend ourselves against enemies foreign and domestic, both from beyond our borders and from within.  We do so that our “general welfare”, or common interests in freedom to live without concern that our government or others will disrupt our “pursuit of happiness”, as indicated in the Declaration of independence.  And we do so in order so that we may “secure the Blessings of Liberty” to ourselves and our posterity. 

Blessings…  Blessings…  hmmmm…  where would “Blessings” come from?  Wait…  I have it!!!  We get our blessings from a bottle that was thrown out to sea by someone who didn’t appreciate them, but we were blessed when we found them!!!  NOT!!!

These are the Blessings of Liberty!  One does not have to reach too far back to establish where these blessings came from.  In the Declaration of Independence, in which we stated quite boldly that we were no longer under the dominion of the tyrannical rule of the monarchy in Great Britain, we explain very clearly where those “Blessings” came from.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” (again, this is transcribed from my copy of the original printed on “authentic looking” paper)

The Blessings of Liberty came from our Creator.  In God Shed His Grace On Thee, page 60, I point out.  “God was at the epicenter of the rumblings which formed the United States of America.  A Creator granted these rights.  It was not a cataclysmic explosion of stuff hurled into space and settled into balls of molten goo which eventually somehow miraculously of its own accord effected change in a changeless environment.  No Creator…no Rights.”  And in the context of the Constitution, we set out our government, a Republic, representing the interested of “We the People”, to preserve the BLESSINGS of LIBERTY which were granted to us by a loving GOD and CREATOR!

This is not a stretch of logic.  It is a natural, systematic, logical progression through our nation’s development.  And since the God of the universe granted these rights which are so dear to us, we set up a government to protect them, not only for ourselves, but our posterity (you and I and those to come).

And it is here that the Constitution begins.  Today we are told that our government is in charge.  WRONG!!!  WE ARE!!!  WE THE PEOPLE!!!
The Constitution sets up the limitations of government.  It sets an executive office in place known as the President of the United States of America which has the responsibility to serve as Commander in Chief of the military forces, to execute the office on behalf of the American people so that other nations may be able to have a point of contact in initial negotiations, and in order to serve as the final signature of approval or veto in legislation sent to his (or her) desk.  Even then, there is a possibility of override of such veto if the legislature can provide an overwhelming amount of support (67%) to overturn such.  His is NOT the position of making law, nor is it the position of deciding which laws he will and will not enforce, or whether or not he will delay such enforcement.  Our President currently is doing exactly this through his administration.

And Congress is the legislative body.  They come up with the laws and financial appropriations.  Each body of Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives, are delegated certain aspects of such law in order to maintain a balance of power.  And in the event they DO pass a law, whether through Presidential approval or overriding a veto, that law may come under the challenge of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court of the United States of America is also given its authority, responsibility, and limitations within the manuscript of the Constitution.  They are not to establish law, but are only to determine the Constitutionality of such laws.  They may way the Constitutionality of laws which arise within varied states if they violate the united Liberty we all enjoy.  However, in recent decades, the Supreme Court has taken upon itself the introduction of external influences in determining “Constitutionality”.  As I mentioned previously, the “separation of church and state” is not in the Constitution nor any of its Amendments.  I have dealt with religious freedom previously, and will do so again very soon in relation to the First Amendment and religious freedom.

Each element of government has at one point or another overstepped its place.  We the People are guaranteed the ability to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances” in such cases.  This IS guaranteed in the Constitution, in the First Amendment to the Constitution.  Many are not truly aware of their ‘Rights’.  While we are not guaranteed free things at others expense, we ARE guaranteed the Right to approach the government in challenge of their offenses.

The first and greatest Right we have to do so is to vote.  If we wish there to be a true return to the righteous and religious directive of this nation, the Christian must place first priority on biblical principles and values in their voting process.  We must stop thinking about “what’s in it for me”, and think “What is right?”, “Which candidate, which proposal, is in line with the Bible, and God’s Will?”  “Who stands for the life of the unborn?”  “Who lifts up the moral and ethical values presented in issues of marriage? The family? Societal issues?”

I will deal more with this as I continue this vein of thought tomorrow.

Rex Louth
Author, God Shed His Grace On Thee (2013) Westbow Press

Friday, February 14, 2014


Today I want to deviate from my traditional blog to share a true love story.  A story that is very personal for me…  It is the story of two young Christians brought together by the very hand of God, bringing into existence a relationship to stand the test of time.  This is not a narrative found in the Bible.  In fact, up to this moment, it has not been captured in print anywhere that I am aware of.

It began September 18, 1976.  On that day a new pastor was moving into the parsonage of the Church of God in Crown Point, Indiana.  Also on that day, the church’s youth had planned a trip into Chicago to go to Brookfield Zoo.  Knowing the pastor would be moving in that day, those in charge of the youth invited the pastor’s two oldest children to join them on the trip.  His son, fourteen and a half going on twenty-five, and his daughter, who was celebrating her twelfth birthday that very day, joined the group as the van arrived at the parsonage.

The group was comprised of several teens and preens near their age, and they were getting to know their newfound friends when the driver announced that there was one more young lady to pick up.  The group quickly informed the young man and his sister that this girl had just started attending the church the week before, and had accepted Jesus as her Savior that very week on Wednesday the 15th.  Soon they had arrived at her home, and onto the van stepped the most radiant and beautiful creation God had ever brought onto the planet.  The young man’s heart leaped in his chest.  It was like the moment in the cartoons when the pupils of the eyes turn to hearts and the heart appears to be bulging out of ones chest.

The rest of the day at the zoo was spent with one of his new-found friends following the group of ladies around.  The young man gladly accepted the ability to wander near her under the pretense that he was accompanying his buddy on his quest to be near her.

Heading home on the van, he did whatever he could to gain her attention.  The wooden plank bench that lined the interior of the van was not attached to the floor (yes, in those ancient days there was not the intensive laws restricting seatbelts and such).  Every turn created the ‘opportunity’ for this adventurous ‘love-struck’ guy to place his fingers behind the seat and allow them to be pinched so he could cry out in pain.  (I never indicated that he was the brightest bulb in the socket.)  Just to have her turn and look at him, even though later he found that it was not concern that was found in her eyes, but wonder that he wouldn’t just move his hands, was worth the angst involved.

In the months to come he did everything he could to win her affection.  After some time passed he had resigned to just achieving the honor of her friendship.  They had become very close in that way, and on the next Valentines Day he blew it.  It was then that the girl he had his eyes on wore a very lovely, very striking dress with wide sleeves.  The white dress covered with green floral design looked magnificent on her, but he allowed a discussion with another friend of his to lure him into teasing her that she looked like she was wearing a kimono.  She had worn the dress to capture his attention, and it hurt her that he teased her so.  And another opportunity was lost.

The ensuing months found them working together in God’s purposes at the church through the youth program.  Great advances in the faith brought both of them closer to God and each other.  All the while he admired her beauty inside and out.  If only she knew how he really felt.

Then one day in late November something happened.  Something wonderful.  Something miraculous.  The young lady approached his mother, 
the pastor’s wife, in the church office.

She told her that she really felt like she should be dating her son, but that she didn’t want to interfere in the girl he was presently ‘dating’.  The mother’s response was priceless: “Goodness, girl: Go get him away from her!” (or something like that)

Later he found what had caused her to make such a move.  She stated that he had walked her out to her car after a service when God spoke to her heart and said, “You’ve been praying for ‘the one’ and he has been in your back yard the whole time.”  It was then she had decided to approach his mother on what to do.

Shortly thereafter the youth group went out to Burger Chef after church, as they often did (yes, there really was a fast food restaurant by that name, young people…  look it up).  That evening the young man sat next to his girlfriend with the young lady of his true desire sitting across from him.  She was blowing Coke at him through her straw, teasing him.  He took that as a flirtatious sign.  When the group was disbanding to head to their respective homes, he told his girlfriend to get in the van heading her direction and he and his sister would get a ride home with this other young lady.  It just so happened that she had offered a ride, and he and his sister would be her only passengers.

That night he gave her several mis-directions to get to his home, which location she was unfamiliar with at the time.  Finally, his sister, knowing what he was doing, and annoyed at the whole process, cried out from the back seat, “We’re three blocks from home!  That way!”  She emphatically pointed in the direction to follow.  He nodded and provided the correct instructions to the correct destination.

Once home the close friends allowed the sister to go into the house while they stayed outside talking.  During that conversation she said to him that she was praying that God would send her someone “just like” him.  He looked into her eyes and said, “I believe He will.”  He slept very well and contented that night, and made a decision that would change the course of his life toward God’s true will.  He was going to ask out that girl one more time, and take the chance!

And he did.  After a rather dramatic breakup with the girl he had been ‘dating’ for some time, the couple began their journey toward love.  And then came her dad.

This gentleman had strictly stated that if she were to marry someone from “that church” he would never walk her down the aisle.  In fact, he forbade her from dating anyone from “that church” after she had brought home a particularly insane young man from the church previously.

And here came the test.  Her dad was a hunter and trapper, in addition to being a fisherman.  It was the “hunter and trapper” that brought about the true test of love.

When she would invite her young man over to dinner after church on a Sunday, he would be presented with some new ‘meat’ that appeared only on his plate.  Everyone else may have chicken or ham, but his was a very special plate.  During their time dating this young man ate opossum, squirrel, snake, rabbit, turtle, muskrat, and other varied delicacies.  Each time he prayed over his meal with an earnestness never before realized in meal-time prayer.  Each time he ate what was set before him.  Eventually, he won over her dad’s approval.

When his dad notified the family that they would be moving to a new church soon, the young man stated very clearly that he would go with them to help re-start a ministry across the state.  But there was one condition:  he wanted to marry the young lady.
Now at the time he was graduating from High School one year early due the accelerated schedule he had taken on.  He was planning to graduate after his Junior year and go to college.  Plans change.
He was seventeen now, and his young lady, almost two years his senior, had graduated from a vocational college and was working in the medical assistant field.  In order to get married in the State of Indiana he would have to have his parent’s signatures.  They agreed.

Left out of all of this are the wonderful times spent going out to their favorite restaurant, the New Moon in Merrillville, and going bowling at an alley near to the eatery.  The first kiss (oh my goodness…can that girl kiss!), and the many to follow.  The nights spent on the phone sharing dreams and their love of God.  The days spent leading the youth group with their Leader, Vicky and her husband.  And who can forget the two accidents the young lady had, one ending up in a field on her way to school (which nearly cost her cousin his life when he wouldn’t tell the young man the full story of what he had seen of her plight – I exaggerate, mostly); and one which brought about a shiny royal blue door to her otherwise fire engine red Nova (which she still hasn’t lived down to this day).

During this time of dating they grew closer than he ever thought he could with one person.  Her beauty outside was matched only by her inner glow which emanated from her love for God, and still is.

On September 29, 1979, at Third Street Church of God in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Janet’s dad walked her down the aisle, and presented her to me for marriage.  My dad officiated the ceremony, his hands trembling as the paper book he held in his hands lightly rattled.  I remember that day as though it were yesterday.  The moment she appeared I experienced something very much akin to what I had that very first day three years prior…I lost my breath.  And she has never stopped taking my breath away.

Since then we have experienced so much together.  The birth of our first child, our eldest daughter on February 14, 1982 (Happy Birthday, Crystalyn!); the passing of Janet’s mom just a couple of short years later, the birth of our daughter, Stephanie, and son, Joshua; Janet’s dad going home to be with his Lord (yes, God gave us the opportunity to lead both her mom and dad to Jesus before their deaths); the weddings of our two daughters;  the birth of our granddaughter (on Stephanie’s 20th birthday) and grandson.  We survived a miscarriage, losing our “first” son in December, 1992 (Rex Jr).  We have served as pastor of two congregations (one here for over twenty-five years now); and so much more.

Has it all been glorious and smooth…  oh no…  but every heartache…  every pain…  every climb up the mountain has been worth every moment spent with the love of my life.

To my wife of thirty-four years and counting…
I love you, Janet.  I have had a form of love for you since that day when you stepped onto that van…  That love has only grown…  And I will love you into eternity…

Happy Valentines Day!!!

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Constitutional Crisis - The Affordable Care Act and Free Exercise - Knowing Your Constitution-Part III

We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, and insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Article I.  Section I.  All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
*   *   *
Amendment I  -  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The above sections of the Constitution of the United States of America are transcribed directly from my “copy” of the original constitution.  Over the years I have been a collector of items related to the history of the United States, and purchased this copy, which is even printed on paper treated to look “authentic" fifteen years ago.  This was about the time I felt compelled by God to take action in society in a way that is not popular for a pastor to become involved.  Or at least it was not commonly accepted at that time.

I would like to point out that on the original Constitution, the words “We the People” are, indeed, proportionately larger than the entirety of the remainder of the document as I indicate above.  I believe there is significance to that.  It is “We the People” and not “We the Government”.  Just sayin’…

While I admit I am not a lawyer, but an Ordained Bishop, I have taken it upon myself to become a student of “the law”.  In God Shed His Grace On Thee, I deal with the influence of Christianity on the formation of this great nation.  While writing this manuscript I found that early decisions of the Supreme Court were very succinct in their acknowledgement of America’s Christian foundations.  This was the general trend for one hundred and fifty years of American history until the Supreme Court ruling handed down on March 8, 1948.  In this ruling, an eight to one decision, the Supreme Court stated that “the First Amendment has erected a wall between Church and State which must be kept high and impregnable.”  It further insists that by offering voluntary classes on religious principles during public school hours in their classrooms, the Champaign Board of Education in Illinois “affords sectarian groups an invaluable aid in that it helps to provide pupils for their religious classes through use of the State’s compulsory public school machinery.  This is not separation of Church and State.”

Amazingly, this decision of the court utilizes for the second time the reference to “separation of Church and State”.  The first usage was just one year prior in a ruling that New Jersey could use State funds to provide bus service to parochial (religious) schools. (Everson v Board of Education)  It was in these tracks of thought that it began to be accepted that the First Amendment to the Constitution, specifically the first segments regarding religious freedom, indicated that there was a “wall between church and state … high and impregnable” (Everson v Board of Education - 1947). 

This phrase, “separation of Church and State”, is directly taken from the letter written by President Thomas Jefferson on January 1, 1801:

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.

In this, President Jefferson was assuring the Danbury Baptist Association that the government would not interfere with their religious practices.  The group had written him regarding their concerns that the First Amendment to the Constitution had granted them freedom of religion, and that since it was given by the government, the government would attempt to regulate the freedom.  Jefferson’s response was to help them understand that the amendment was set to stop the government from interfering with religious activity.  He emphasized this by stating, as shown above, that a “wall of separation between Church & State” had been erected.

The Supreme Court had now entered into their opinions, by virtue of the two decisions in consecutive years, the statement of the “separation of Church and State” into law.  This has now become commonplace in its usage, and is believed by many, if not the majority of, citizens to be a part of the Constitution of the United States of America.  I will deal with more of the ramifications of this in future writings; however, today I wish to deal with a subject which is imminent in our culture.

The Affordable Care Act, (affordable?) which was rammed through Congress on a particularly partisan vote, has requirements for businesses to provide coverage for procedures and items that are in direct violation of the deeply held religious values of their owners and executives.  While I do not particularly appreciate the word “religious”, it is the commonly accepted word which represents ones moral and ethical code associated with their faith, so I will use it here.

While nearly everyone can quote the “separation of Church and State”, many are unable to quote the actual First Amendment which allegedly creates such a “wall”.  If they can muster up the ability to provide a quote, a great majority would stop after the phrase “…an establishment of religion”, and would firmly indicate their prowess of knowledge with a smug grin.  When confronted with the next phrase, they would probably scowl, not knowing to what you are referring.  The full reading of the second part of the religious freedom aspect of the First Amendment may read “Congress shall make no law…prohibiting the free exercise (of religion)”.   I say “religious freedom aspect of the First Amendment” because many do not realize it actually deals with freedom of religion, speech, the press, peaceful assembly, and petitioning Government about grievances.

Congress should not be able to pass a law which interferes with, or “prohibits” someone to freely exercise their religious beliefs.  Forcing someone as a business owner to provide services that is in direct opposition to their moral conscience through legislation VIOLATES the “free exercise” clause of the First Amendment.  In the same manner, forcing someone, through judicial or legislative direction, to bake a cake or take photographs for a marriage involving a couple who is attempting to form a union outside the moral values of the owner of such an establishment is ILLEGAL according to our Constitution.

In order to help America regain its moral compass the Believer must rise and make their voices heard in every facet of our society.  In my book, God Shed His Grace On Thee, I state the following:

It is time for Christians to set aside those minor details of faith which divide us and focus together on the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  It is time to unite as one voice to set the biblical morals and ethics specifically outlined in God’s Word before the people of the nation.

There is so much we can agree on.  We have Constitutional Rights which are being trampled on by a society gone berserk by an uninformed populace and leadership with an anti-Christian agenda.  I don’t know about you, but there are plenty of grievances I have with the government for which they need to be petitioned and held accountable for.  Our forefathers never intended us to be a people without God. 

In fact, President John Adams stated on October 11, 1798 to the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, “…we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

May we find our bearings once again.  May we unite to bring about the change in course our nation so desperately needs.  And May God bless the United States of America.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Constitutional Crisis - Christmas in the Crosshairs - Knowing Your Constitution-Part II

            (This article originally published 12/17/13)

Christmas – the very word brings certain visions to one’s mind that do not appear but during this special season.  Christmas trees, decorative lights and tinsel, holly and mistletoe, a certain “jolly ol’ Elf and his magnificent flying reindeer, and, most importantly, a baby wrapped in ‘swaddling clothes’ and lying in a manger surrounded by an assortment of farm animals, shepherds and three particularly well-dressed men from afar, as well as his mother and earthly dad; all gazing intently down at this newborn child.  And while the wise men did not actually arrive until sometime later - "...behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.  When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.  And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him:..." (Matthew 2:9-11) - the depiction of the Christ-child's birth has been presented in cities, towns, and hamlets from early times of our nation's history.

And then those who were intent on rewriting history and resetting our moral compass engaged in a plan which stealthily injected their ideology of decay into the foundations of society.  what had been a century-and-a-half of precedent was now cast aside.  Why?  Because throughout time there have been those intent on undermining the religious foundations of any people who serve the One true God.

Let us analyze the concept of precedent first.  I mentioned it briefly in the last post, and pointed out that it had been blatantly ignored.  A precedent is "a legal decision or form of proceeding serving as an authoritative rule or pattern in future similar or analogous cases" - and/or - "any act, decision, or case that serves as a guide or justification for subsequent situations" according to

Court rulings have upheld the ability of governments to place Nativities in their courthouse lawns, entryways, and anywhere else, including a ruling as recent as 1984 where the Supreme Court ruled that a Nativity was not in violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution (Lynch v. Donnelly, 465 U.S. 668 (1984)  In fact, the Court insisted that the Constitution and associated Amendment "affirmatively mandates accommodation, not merely tolerance of all religions, and forbids hostility toward any."

And then came 1989.  The Supreme Court, ignoring the precedent of five years prior, and in keeping with the agenda of disassociating all Christianity with government (for some reason the idea of other religions doesn't seem to bother them), found that a Nativity in a government building, and, thereby, on government property, unconstitutional.

Court rulings prior to 1948 found no difficulty in an
association of Christianity with government proceedings.  In fact, in the case of Holy Trinity v. the United States (143 U.S. 457 (1892), the court stated very clearly, after referring to business and government closures on Sundays, churches in every town, and other indicators, "These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add to a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation."

Then in 1948 the Supreme Court found that religious instruction in public schools was a violation of the "Establishment Clause" of the First Amendment.  (It amazes me that our Founding Fathers and 150 plus years of previous rulings and actions did not see it so.)  Then in 1961 the Court found that no state could require a public official to acknowledge the existence of God.  This was followed in 1962 and 1963 with rulings stating that no prayer could be exercised in public schools, and no Bible reading over public address systems, or any other school-sponsored activity, could be performed.  In 1968 a ruling stating that a ban on teaching evolution was unconstitutional, and this was followed by a ruling in 1987 that no school could require "creation science" to be taught whenever evolution was taught.  (Trust me, I will get to the ridiculous nature of these rulings in the future.)

Many other rulings have ignored well over one hundred years of precedent.  Had our Founders perceived that such activities were unconstitutional, they would never have initiated them in the first place!  Even the more un-Christian Founders had an active role in being certain the Bible was taught in the public schools of the nation.

And now back to Christmas.  Oh...there can be trees decorated in festive colors.  There can be other such displays.  But NO JESUS, according to many.

I watched a Sean Hannity program last week where a guest he had on the program stated that you could most definitely celebrate Christmas without religion: That a Christmas without Jesus was most definitely acceptable and could be accomplished.  REALLY?!!!  A CHRISTMAS WITHOUT CHRIST?!!!  What does he think CHRISTMAS is?

The Christian is under assault in so many ways in today's society.  I, for one, believe it is time to be certain our voices are heard.  And if our leaders cannot accommodate us in our faith, then I believe we should assist them in seeking employment elsewhere; to give them an opportunity to reestablish themselves in other work possibilities.  I believe it is time to elect those who share our values, and who will place those in judicial positions who will return us to the place we were intended to be.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord..."  Psalm 33:12 (NKJV)

Rexford "Rex" Louth
Author - God Shed His Grace On Thee, (c) 2013

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Constitutional Crisis - Mount Soledad Cross - Knowing your Constitution - Part I (re-release)

                    (This article originally published 12/13/13)

A headline in the news today raises awareness to the proclamation by U.S. District Judge Larry Burns that the cross atop Mount Soledad in LaJolla, California (San Diego area) must come down according to a ruling by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.  Their ruling states that the cross violates the establishment clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the Unites States of America.  Many note that the Judge hesitated and made the ruling reluctantly as he cited the Ninth Circuit's opinion.  As many know, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is among the most, if not THE most, liberal courts in the United States.  Their rulings have been a blatant attack on the truth of the United States Constitution for years.  I will deal with this ruling as we review the matter by way of the Constitution.

First, so many believe that unless you have gone to a university and have been instructed in "Constitutional Law" you have no way of being able to interpret the Constitution.  In fact, I believe this is the foundation of the problem.  Our Founding Fathers drafted a document that could be followed and understood by the populace.  Michael "Mike" Holler has composed a book called "The Constitution Made Easy".  It provides the original wording of the Constitution of the United States of America on the left page, and the modern day translation on the opposing page.  I recommend this.  He has also produced a video copy of the "book", which I also recommend.  Today's citizen needs to know their Constitution.

I ask Americans to become aware of the Constitution's truth.  They key to the Constitution of the United States of America are the first three words in the preamble: "We the People".  If "We the People" remain ignorant of what is comprised in "our" Constitution, we are destined for defeat by those who wish to undermine our republican government.  I do not use republican in the sense of any party label.  This is another area that "We the People" need to become aware of.

It is said that when Benjamin Franklin was approached by a woman following the Constitutional Convention in 1787, and asked the question, "Well Doctor, what have we got - a republic or a monarchy?", he replied, "A republic, madam, if you can keep it."

What IS a republic?  A republic, according to, is "a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them."  Essentially, it is a government comprised of representatives which are elected and/or appointed by a democratic process.  The democratic process directly elects a representative who will operate in the government on their behalf.

We do not have a democracy in the truest sense of the word.  A democracy is a government where every person has a vote on every issue.  We have a democracy in the sense that we vote by democratic process to formulate a republican government.  I am not a lawyer.  But I AM a citizen.  Each citizen needs to know the truth of their place in this government.  If we do not agree with the proceedings going on, it is our responsibility to write letters, email, make phone calls, and show up at the offices of our representatives.  For this reason, it is also crucial to elect representatives who share our moral and ethical values.

In the case of the Mount Soledad Memorial cross, the rulings have been made on bad law.  As I point out in my book "God Shed His Grace On Thee", there have been proclamations from judiciary commissions in both houses of the United States Congress, as well as a ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, which boldly proclaim that the United States of America is a Christian nation.  These rulings and proclamations, providing a word called precedent, have been blatantly ignored in the years from 1948 and forward.  It is time for the Supreme Court (also our representatives, appointed by the sitting President and approved by our representatives in Congress; another reason to know our Constitution) to take up this issue, and to rule against these liberal anti-Christian bigots (properly used by virtue of's definition: "a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion).

Get to know your Constitution.  Get to know your government.  Get to know your representatives (are they upholding YOUR values?).  Get to know your TRUE rights.  Let's rise up and make a difference once again as "We the People".

Rexford "Rex" Louth
Author - God Shed His Grace On Thee, (c) 2013