Tuesday, November 12, 2013


As I recently completed the editing on "God Shed His Grace On Thee" I was once again reminded at how necessary it is for a Black Robe Regiment uprising in the great nation of the United States of America.  Never has there been a time when our nation's leadership have strayed such unimaginable distance from the essential message of Christianity as the foundation of all that this nation is built upon.
When the Supreme Court set down the rulings against prayer and Bible reading in the public schools, it was due to the fact that American Christians had bought the lie of the "separation of church and state" and had removed themselves, for the most part, from interacting in the political arena.  And the same is true for the ruling which allowed abortion to become a "right", and an amendment set to deter some non-profits from entering the political fray to keep the church from thundering the truth of political hacks who do not stand for righteousness in government.  We are led to believe that we, as Christians, cannot and must not move into political office or support those who embody our moral, ethical and Christian values.
It is our God-given right to speak out as light into the darkness.  It is our duty, as commanded by our Savior Himself, to be "salt and light" in this horrendous society of vulgarity.  Our first effort is to win the lost to Christ, and that must be coupled with the clarion cry to bring our society back to God where it belongs.
It is time for the Black Robe Regiment to stand.  It is time for the Christian to take their place where God has set them.  It is time to sound the alarm! to cry out!  This must happen in the pulpit as well as in our workplaces, our homes, and wherever God has us to travel today!

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