Friday, December 20, 2013

'Twas the Friday Before Christmas - 2013

'Twas the Friday before Christmas, 
and all through the land,
rantings and ravings
filled airwaves as sand

The sides were all nestled
each in their own foxhole
and shouting their platitudes
without thoughts of the eternal soul

And I have my thoughts
and I know you do too
of the way things are to be
and the right things to do

When on our news channels
there arises such clatter
And opinions are issued
on multiple matters

So we type in our blogspot
and raise up the banner
and talk of the day's news
in various manner

When what to our wondering eyes
should appear?
But the reason there's hope:
that the Savior is near

And Christmas isn't Christmas
unless there's a child
Born in a manger
so tender and mild

And angels proclaiming the great news
of the King
And shepherds and wise men
their praise, let it ring!

And we must never forget
as we see how it begins
To always remember 
the path to its end

For a mere three decades later
our Savior did die
On the cross of Golgotha
for our sin He was tried

And the third day thereafter
He rose from the grave
Each man, woman and child
that their souls may be saved

And not just be saved 
from an eternal pit
But to live on forever
in God's presence, they may sit

And while all the turmoil 
around us does crash
Let us never forget
each whip's terrible lash

Nor the price that was paid
for your sin and mine
That our crimes against Him
may be put forever behind

And, yes, we must continue
the struggle against evil's might
To bring into this world of darkness
God's true shining light

But my friend, be encouraged
don't let the anger settle in
As Christians we know in the end
we will win

So let us bring before the lost
as we confront their war against that above
The offer of Salvation
through God's eternal love

For it is not against mankind
that we battle the most
But against evil's true face
of the fallen angelic host

So in this Christmas season
as we celebrate the Son
Let us find Peace and Hope
that the war is already won

And may the star
of Bethlehem shine
Leading us into His presence
both your home and mine

Merry Christmas
Rex Louth
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Constitutional Crisis - Christmas in the Crosshairs - Knowing your Constitution - Part II

Christmas is one week and one day away.  Because of this, I have chosen to deal with the idea of the War Against Christianity from a “Christmas” standpoint today.

Christmas – the very word brings certain visions to one’s mind that do not appear but during this special season.  Christmas trees, decorative lights and tinsel, holly and mistletoe, a certain “jolly ol’ Elf and his magnificent flying reindeer, and, most importantly, a baby wrapped in ‘swaddling clothes’ and lying in a manger surrounded by an assortment of farm animals, shepherds and three particularly well-dressed men from afar, as well as his mother and earthly dad; all gazing intently down at this newborn child.  And while the wise men did not actually arrive until sometime later - "...behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.  When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.  And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him:..." (Matthew 2:9-11) - the depiction of the Christ-child's birth has been presented in cities, towns, and hamlets from early times of our nation's history.

And then those who were intent on rewriting history and resetting our moral compass engaged in a plan which stealthily injected their ideology of decay into the foundations of society.  what had been a century-and-a-half of precedent was now cast aside.  Why?  Because throughout time there have been those intent on undermining the religious foundations of any people who serve the One true God.

Let us analyze the concept of precedent first.  I mentioned it briefly in the last post, and pointed out that it had been blatantly ignored.  A precedent is "a legal decision or form of proceeding serving as an authoritative rule or pattern in future similar or analogous cases" - and/or - "any act, decision, or case that serves as a guide or justification for subsequent situations" according to

Court rulings have upheld the ability of governments to place Nativities in their courthouse lawns, entryways, and anywhere else, including a ruling as recent as 1984 where the Supreme Court ruled that a Nativity was not in violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution (Lynch v. Donnelly, 465 U.S. 668 (1984)  In fact, the Court insisted that the Constitution and associated Amendment "affirmatively mandates accommodation, not merely tolerance of all religions, and forbids hostility toward any."

And then came 1989.  The Supreme Court, ignoring the precedent of five years prior, and in keeping with the agenda of disassociating all Christianity with government (for some reason the idea of other religions doesn't seem to bother them), found that a Nativity in a government building, and, thereby, on government property, unconstitutional.

Court rulings prior to 1948 found no difficulty in an association of Christianity with government proceedings.  In fact, in the case of Holy Trinity v. the United States (143 U.S. 457 (1892), the court stated very clearly, after referring to business and government closures on Sundays, churches in every town, and other indicators, "These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add to a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation."

Then in 1948 the Supreme Court found that religious instruction in public schools was a violation of the "Establishment Clause" of the First Amendment.  (It amazes me that our Founding Fathers and 150 plus years of previous rulings and actions did not see it so.)  Then in 1961 the Court found that no state could require a public official to acknowledge the existence of God.  This was followed in 1962 and 1963 with rulings stating that no prayer could be exercised in public schools, and no Bible reading over public address systems, or any other school-sponsored activity, could be performed.  In 1968 a ruling stating that a ban on teaching evolution was unconstitutional, and this was followed by a ruling in 1987 that no school could require "creation science" to be taught whenever evolution was taught.  (Trust me, I will get to the ridiculous nature of these rulings in the future.)

Many other rulings have ignored well over one hundred years of precedent.  Had our Founders perceived that such activities were unconstitutional, they would never have initiated them in the first place!  Even the more un-Christian Founders had an active role in being certain the Bible was taught in the public schools of the nation.

And now back to Christmas.  Oh...there can be trees decorated in festive colors.  There can be other such displays.  But NO JESUS, according to many.

I watched a Sean Hannity program last week where a guest he had on the program stated that you could most definitely celebrate Christmas without religion: That a Christmas without Jesus was most definitely acceptable and could be accomplished.  REALLY?!!!  A CHRISTMAS WITHOUT CHRIST?!!!  What does he think CHRISTMAS is?

The Christian is under assault in so many ways in today's society.  I, for one, believe it is time to be certain our voices are heard.  And if our leaders cannot accommodate us in our faith, then I believe we should assist them in seeking employment elsewhere; to give them an opportunity to reestablish themselves in other work possibilities.  I believe it is time to elect those who share our values, and who will place those in judicial positions who will return us to the place we were intended to be.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord..."  Psalm 33:12 (NKJV)

Merry Christmas to one and all.  And may the Peace of God fill your hearts this glorious season in celebration of the Born Savior, Son of God, Jesus Christ, Lord of All.

Rex Louth

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Friday, December 13, 2013

Mount Soledad Cross - A Constitutional Crisis - Knowing your Constitution - Part I

A headline in the news today raises awareness to the proclamation by U.S. District Judge Larry Burns that the cross atop Mount Soledad in LaJolla, California (San Diego area) must come down according to a ruling by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.  Their ruling states that the cross violates the establishment clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the Unites States of America.  Many note that the Judge hesitated and made the ruling reluctantly as he cited the Ninth Circuit's opinion.  As many know, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is among the most, if not THE most, liberal courts in the United States.  Their rulings have been a blatant attack on the truth of the United States Constitution for years.  I will deal with this ruling as we review the matter by way of the Constitution.

First, so many believe that unless you have gone to a university and have been instructed in "Constitutional Law" you have no way of being able to interpret the Constitution.  In fact, I believe this is the foundation of the problem.  Our Founding Fathers drafted a document that could be followed and understood by the populace.  Michael "Mike" Holler has composed a book called "The Constitution Made Easy".  It provides the original wording of the Constitution of the United States of America on the left page, and the modern day translation on the opposing page.  I recommend this.  He has also produced a video copy of the "book", which I also recommend.  Today's citizen needs to know their Constitution.

I ask Americans to become aware of the Constitution's truth.  They key to the Constitution of the United States of America are the first three words in the preamble: "We the People".  If "We the People" remain ignorant of what is comprised in "our" Constitution, we are destined for defeat by those who wish to undermine our republican government.  I do not use republican in the sense of any party label.  This is another area that "We the People" need to become aware of.

It is said that when Benjamin Franklin was approached by a woman following the Constitutional Convention in 1787, and asked the question, "Well Doctor, what have we got - a republic or a monarchy?", he replied, "A republic, madam, if you can keep it."

What IS a republic?  A republic, according to, is "a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them."  Essentially, it is a government comprised of representatives which are elected and/or appointed by a democratic process.  The democratic process directly elects a representative who will operate in the government on their behalf.

We do not have a democracy in the truest sense of the word.  A democracy is a government where every person has a vote on every issue.  We have a democracy in the sense that we vote by democratic process to formulate a republican government.  I am not a lawyer.  But I AM a citizen.  Each citizen needs to know the truth of their place in this government.  If we do not agree with the proceedings going on, it is our responsibility to write letters, email, make phone calls, and show up at the offices of our representatives.  For this reason, it is also crucial to elect representatives who share our moral and ethical values.

In the case of the Mount Soledad Memorial cross, the rulings have been made on bad law.  As I point out in my book "God Shed His Grace On Thee", there have been proclamations from judiciary commissions in both houses of the United States Congress, as well as a ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, which boldly proclaim that the United States of America is a Christian nation.  These rulings and proclamations, providing a word called precedent, have been blatantly ignored in the years from 1948 and forward.  It is time for the Supreme Court (also our representatives, appointed by the sitting President and approved by our representatives in Congress; another reason to know our Constitution) to take up this issue, and to rule against these liberal anti-Christian bigots (properly used by virtue of's definition: "a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion).

Get to know your Constitution.  Get to know your government.  Get to know your representatives (are they upholding YOUR values?).  Get to know your TRUE rights.  Let's rise up and make a difference once again as "We the People".

Rexford "Rex" Louth
Author - God Shed His Grace On Thee, (c) 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Merry CHRISTmas!!!

With the launch of God Shed His Grace On Thee this month, I have been challenged by a fresh awareness of the continued attack against the truth of Christmas.  New attempts to silence the true meaning of Christmas have arisen.  The continued efforts to stop nativities from being publicly displayed surge from those fighting to remove God from society.

While many are hustling around in shopping centers and purchasing in a wild frenzy for one special day of opening packages to unveil the "new" in our lives, it becomes more and more apparent that the "Reason for the Season" is lost on a multitude of those shoppers.

Jesus Christ came to the earth to present Himself a sacrifice for our sin.  His life began in the humble surroundings of a stable and it was brought to what appeared to be a devastating end on the cross...  But the narrative does not stop there!  If it did, the finality would be so tragic.

The culmination of the plan came on the third day "post-tragedy"!  The ground shook...  the heavens and earth trembled in magnificent thundering...  the Son of God, Jesus the Christ, burst out of the tomb!

With the birth of the Lord in the stable, we find a glorious appearing of "God with us".  With His ministry on earth we find hope in troubled times.  With His gruesome death on the cross we find salvation from sin.  And with His triumphant resurrection we find eternal life in the presence of God!

THIS is what CHRISTmas is all about!  THIS is the reason for the gifts we give and receive!  THIS is why millions across the planet pause for a day, and celebrate with family and friends.

Merry Christmas!!!!
Rex Louth - Colorado Springs

"God Shed His Grace On Thee" - available now in hardback and paperback at,,, and coming soon to local bookstores - available in eBook format at