Friday, December 20, 2013

'Twas the Friday Before Christmas - 2013

'Twas the Friday before Christmas, 
and all through the land,
rantings and ravings
filled airwaves as sand

The sides were all nestled
each in their own foxhole
and shouting their platitudes
without thoughts of the eternal soul

And I have my thoughts
and I know you do too
of the way things are to be
and the right things to do

When on our news channels
there arises such clatter
And opinions are issued
on multiple matters

So we type in our blogspot
and raise up the banner
and talk of the day's news
in various manner

When what to our wondering eyes
should appear?
But the reason there's hope:
that the Savior is near

And Christmas isn't Christmas
unless there's a child
Born in a manger
so tender and mild

And angels proclaiming the great news
of the King
And shepherds and wise men
their praise, let it ring!

And we must never forget
as we see how it begins
To always remember 
the path to its end

For a mere three decades later
our Savior did die
On the cross of Golgotha
for our sin He was tried

And the third day thereafter
He rose from the grave
Each man, woman and child
that their souls may be saved

And not just be saved 
from an eternal pit
But to live on forever
in God's presence, they may sit

And while all the turmoil 
around us does crash
Let us never forget
each whip's terrible lash

Nor the price that was paid
for your sin and mine
That our crimes against Him
may be put forever behind

And, yes, we must continue
the struggle against evil's might
To bring into this world of darkness
God's true shining light

But my friend, be encouraged
don't let the anger settle in
As Christians we know in the end
we will win

So let us bring before the lost
as we confront their war against that above
The offer of Salvation
through God's eternal love

For it is not against mankind
that we battle the most
But against evil's true face
of the fallen angelic host

So in this Christmas season
as we celebrate the Son
Let us find Peace and Hope
that the war is already won

And may the star
of Bethlehem shine
Leading us into His presence
both your home and mine

Merry Christmas
Rex Louth
Colorado Springs, Colorado

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